Who am I?

FullStack developer

I can do JavaScript, CSS, HTML, React and Node.js. I enjoy learning any new tech. Wait wait, should this be like CV style introduction? In that case: "I am a JavaScript developer with a great passion for innovation, continuous learning and technology. My positive attitude towards work and problem solving is one of my greatest assets and has greatly assisted me in my career."

Avid Gamer and Board game collector

I have over 60 boardgames on my bookshelf, shared with my girlfriend who loves games as much as me. If you ever play Arkham Horror LCG, please give Preston Fairmount a try. He is hands down the best character in the game. In the same time, if you need a guy for PUBG, Apex Legends, Rainbow Six Siege, CS:GO or Rocket League, send me a message!

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Professional journey


Apprentice Front End Developer

August 19


Legal and General

Helping customers and financial advisers to understand life insurance products that L&G sell by clearly and truthfully explaining their queries and thoroughly investigating any issues they might be having with systems, products or general enquiries. My ability to learn rapidly has helped me with coaching peers and customers alike.

November 17

Legal and General

iTalk Telecom

I have started as customer service adviser answering technical queries about our internet and telephony services. During the relatively short time spent in iTalk, I got transferred into broadband faults as my prior knowledge about networking and home office routing was a valuable asset to the team.

Jun 17

iTalk Telecom

Coast to Coast

Recommending food and beverages and building rapport with my customers with extensive knowledge of hospitality industry. We sold some burgers and cocktails, am I right?

Aug 13

Coast to Coast

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Check my work


Price Comparison Webapp

  • Star Wars Destiny
  • Compares single cards price
  • Front: React, Bulma, Autosuggest
  • Back: Node.js, Express, Puppeteer
  • Deployed: Heroku

Raspberry Pi Motion Sensor

  • Motion activated lights
  • Changes brightness during day
  • Controls Phillips Hue lights
  • Back: Python
  • Deployed: Locally on Raspberry Pi

Meme twitter bot

  • Gets top daily meme on reddit
  • Checks every hour for an better meme
  • Posts on twitter if there was one
  • Back: Node.js
  • Deployed: Locally on Raspberry Pi

Music Producer Website

  • Showcases musicans work
  • User-friendly interface for blog
  • Front: Gatsby, React, Sass, Boostrap
  • Back: GraphQL
  • Deployed: Contentful, Netlify

React Hooks Demo Calculator

  • Simple arithmetics calculator
  • Used as a learning project for Hooks
  • Front: React (16.8 with hooks),
  • Styled Components 💅
  • Deployed: Netlify

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